Неисправимый Рон (2021) — музыка из мультфильма

Год: 2021
Режисcер: Сара Смит, Жан-Филипп Вине, Октавио Е. Родригес
Композитор: Генри Джекман
Страна: США, Великобритания, Канада
Список композиций:
  1. A Quirk in the System
  2.  New Friends
  3. Middle School
  4. Hanging Out
  5. A Vision Restored
  6. Fully Uploaded
  7. We’ll Find Each Other
  8. Behold the Cloud
  9. Headquarters Heist
  10. Rallying Cry
  11. My Life for Yours
  12. Lost in the Woods
  13. Missing
  14. Freedom in the Forest
  15. Bot Pursuit
  16. Best Friend Out of the Box
  17. Schoolyard Rave
  18. Unhinged
  19. Two-Way Street
  20. Unlocked and Out of Control
  21. Misguided Mission
  22. Bonding
  23. The Co-Founder
  24. How to Be My Friend
  25. Night Light
  26. Welcome to the Bubble Store
  27.  Renegade Robot
  28. Middle School Ain’t So Bad
  29. Happy Late Birthday
  30. Mark’s Dream
  31. The Future of Friendship / New Friends
Список композиций:
  1. A Quirk in the System
  2.  New Friends
  3. Middle School
  4. Hanging Out
  5. A Vision Restored
  6. Fully Uploaded
  7. We’ll Find Each Other
  8. Behold the Cloud
  9. Headquarters Heist
  10. Rallying Cry
  11. My Life for Yours
  12. Lost in the Woods
  13. Missing
  14. Freedom in the Forest
  15. Bot Pursuit
  16. Best Friend Out of the Box
  17. Schoolyard Rave
  18. Unhinged
  19. Two-Way Street
  20. Unlocked and Out of Control
  21. Misguided Mission
  22. Bonding
  23. The Co-Founder
  24. How to Be My Friend
  25. Night Light
  26. Welcome to the Bubble Store
  27.  Renegade Robot
  28. Middle School Ain’t So Bad
  29. Happy Late Birthday
  30. Mark’s Dream
  31. The Future of Friendship / New Friends

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